Monday, June 11, 2012

It's Monday, where did the week go.......

Sheila over at Book Journey has an incentive for networking so go over and have fun while continuing to add to your 2012 Wishlist.

I'm currently reading Gone Girl, my most highly anticipated so far for the year and I am not impressed, sigh

I completed this one but still need to do the review.  I am 3 reviews behind :-(  I'm never behind. 

I think I am going to read a review book next, sounds so good and my Serial Killer Challenge has not impressed me yet, where are the crazies, lol

I participated in the Introductions of Armchair bea but just didn't feel the connection as much this year.  The introductions were fantastic but the rest of the week just didn't pull me in, definitely was the year to go I guess. 

I really want the year to change with my reading, it has been appalling but I will remain optimistic. 

Hope you have a great week.


  1. I've always wanted to try Paulo Coelho.

  2. I hate that! I am about to start my most anticipated too but hoping it works for me LOL :)

    Oh Bloodman looks good!

  3. Oh no, I've been really excited about Gone Girl, so I'm disappointed to see you're not impressed.

  4. I heard really good things about Gone Girl and was thinking about getting it ... might hold off now!

    The cover for Bloodman looks crazy!! Hope it's good. :)

  5. Oh Poo! On Gone Girl. I was seriously looking forward to that one. Belle

  6. Oh no, I thought it sounded so darn good! Man Marce, what is happening, we just may have to write our own awesome psycho :)


  7. That's a shame you didn't like Gone Girl. I loved it and couldn't put it down; I'd be interested to see what you didn't like about it.

  8. Sorry you were not impressed with Gone Girl. I am looking forward to seeing how I like it.

  9. Oh no!! I really want to read GONE GIRL. I'm sorry you aren't liking it. Looking forward to your thoughts!!

  10. I can't get Gone Gilr out of my head. I really loved that book. I'm sorry you didn't have the same experience I did. Although that's what I love about books, you can love and someone else doesn't.

  11. I hope Gone Girl gets better. That cover on Bloodman is creeeepy.


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