Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, What are you reading?

Sheila over at Book Journey has an incentive for networking so go over and have fun while adding to your 2014 Wishlist.

I'm currently reading

Book Summary

Ellie Watt is used to starting over. The daughter of a grifting team, Ellie spent her childhood being used as a pawn in her parents' latest scam. Now she's much older, wiser and ready to give her con artist life a rest. But returning to the dry desert town of Palm Valley, California means one more temptation than she bargained for - Camden McQueen. Once known as the high school weirdo, Camden is bigger and badder than the boy he used to be and a talented tattoo artist with his own thriving business. Ellie's counting on Camden still being in love with her but what she's not counting on is how easily unrequited love can turn into obsession over time. When Camden discovers Ellie's plan to con him, he makes her a deal she doesn't dare refuse, but her freedom comes with a price and it's one that takes both Ellie and Camden down a dangerous road.

I reviewed - 4 1/2 - My Review

I completed an ARC,  review up on Feb 6
Have you heard of this series?  I may try this next.



  1. I like those two mysteries.

  2. The Last Dead Girl is on my wish list. Enjoy your reading, and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

  3. Ooooooo thanks for sharing a pic of the box! :)

  4. I had no idea that January was tea month! I drink a lot of tea too. :) I love it with cream and sugar, but I also like fruity herbal tea or mint. Yum! I loved your tea themed book suggestions as well. :)

  5. I've got to try a Harry Dolan book!

  6. I like the sound of Sins and Needles. Look forward to your thoughts.

  7. Must try a Harry Dolan book. Loved your tea review :)

  8. I missed grabbing those Karina Halle books when they were freebies. :( I'm glad they are turning out to be great reads.


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