Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011 Book Blogger Recommendation Challenge

I completely failed the 2010 Challenge but thought I would try again and support Jennifer.  I am only going for 5 this year.

These are the ones I will choose from, any recommendation from you?  The highlighted ones are a definite to read, I just don't know about 2011.

  1. Bitten - Kelley Armstrong
  2. My Soul to Take - Rachel Vincent  (the 1st in the series, so if this isn't it, not this one)
  3. The Bourne Identity - Robert Ludlum
  4. Fallen - Lauren Kate
  5. Forgive My Fins - Tera Lyn Chils
  6. Midnight Kiss - Lara Adrian (the 1st in the series, so if this isn't it, not this one)
  7. Speak - Laurie Halse Anderson
  8. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
  9. Mind Games - Carolyn Crane
  10. Good Grief - Lolly Winston
  11. Dirty Little Secrets - CJ Omolulo
  12. The Girl Who Fell From The Sky - Heidi Durrow
  13. Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
  14. Dracula - Bram Stoker
Click here to see the entire 2010 Book Blogger Recommendation List.

The Levels:
Level I
- Read 5 books from the 2010 Book Blogger Recommendation List
Level II - Read 10 books
Level III - Read 15 books
Level IV - Read 20 books
Level V - Read 20+ books

The Rules:
  • Challenge will run January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. Participants can join anytime throughout the challenge.
  • Create an intro post, linking back to this post.
  • Sign up with the MckLinky below. Please link to your challenge intro post, not your blog home page.
  • Chose your own books from the list. You can decide to read books only on the Top 25 list or from the entire recommendation list. You do not have to make a list of books before the challenge begins.
  • All forms of books acceptable (audiobooks, eBooks, etc.)
  • Rereads do not count towards the completion of the challenge. The challenge is about discovering books that are new to you.
  • You don't need a blog to participate.
  • Reviews, while always appreciated, are not mandatory.


  1. Great list! I loved Good Grief by Lolly Winston.....

  2. Thanks for joining again Marce! I loved Bitten. I read Dracula too, but it wasn't really my thing. Hope you love your books this year!

  3. You got some great reads on your list. I loved Guernsey and Speak. Dirty Little Secrets and the girl who fell from the sky were good as well.

  4. I'd read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows - it's cute, written in letters format. The title bored me and made me stayed away, but heard so much about it that finally gave me and was pleasantly surprised. Not one of my all time fav, but I don't regret reading it.

    I'd read Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden A LONG, LONG time ago... didn't quite appreciate it then. Not sure if I'd like it now since I enjoy memoirs now (not that it's a real memoir...)

    Have heard good things about Speak - Laurie Halse Anderson (YA). Haven't read it though.

  5. Speak is on my own list for this challenge, and Guernsey literary and Potato Peel Society is on my wishlist, but because I haven't actually read any of these, I can't give you a qualified opinion, but I DO wish you lots of luck! :)


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