Monday, August 12, 2013

Another Monday - What are you reading....

Sheila over at Book Journey has an incentive for networking so go over and have fun while adding to your 2013 Wishlist.

I completed a great Legal Thriller, review up this week sometime.

I started this but not my cup of tea.  I almost always download the sample but with all the amazing reviews I bought it automatically, I would have known, sigh.  Far to much detail for my liking, maybe I will come back to it.

I started this one, an eSpecial, enjoying it so far, Linwood Barclay is good.

I am a mood reader, almost never know what is next, maybe I will go back to Husbands Secret

Have a great week



  1. It's been a while since I've read a great legal thriller. I look forward to your review. I've never read Linwood Barclay, but I always hear great things. I think I'm going to try out his new one. I think it's called A Tap on the Window or something like that. Have a great week!

  2. I've got The Husband's Secret on my stacks. I like legal thrillers so I will check that book out.

  3. Sorry to see you didn't love The Husband's Secret - it seems to be getting mixed reviews.

  4. I sometimes like a legal and/or medical thriller. Will catch your review when it's up. The Husband's Secret I have heard good buzz about-- I liked What Alice Forgot by her. I always love Linwood Barclay's books; this one was a bit different one to me, don't know why, but very enjoyable. I have a good suspense thriller for you--just finished The Survivor by Gregg Hurwitz, review on my blog, reads like Harlan Coben or Linwood Barclay.

  5. I've not read a legal thriller in quite a while. I hate when I get a book with great buzz and it does nothing for me, but then I'm a mood reader too so if I'm not feeling it I just move on.

    I'm reading Dangerous Fiction and so far I like it.


  6. Hmm I heard good things about The Husband's Secret too, sorry it wasn't your cup of tea. Have a great week and happy reading, whatever you decide to pick up :)


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