Sunday, September 8, 2013

I miss blogging but not reading......

I have tried so many books and just can't get into them, this mood reading is not working and it always does, what is going on???

And from not reading, my blog is falling off, when I try to network, I don't recognize any of the books, how does that happen so quickly....

Life has been hard for a year, feeling like a roller coaster and my reading has been the same.

To be honest, I am 4 reviews behind this year and probably won't get to them, I need to rate them at least.

Have any of you read Cherise Sinclair, the erotic romance author?  She is amazing, hot, with story lines too, I read 2 last year and I am reading book 3 from the Masters of the Shadowlands series.


And also, I LOST my kindle.  I remember unplugging it to take on vacation.  On the plane I noticed I didn't have it.  Called home and got everyone to check the houses and car, no Kindle.  I assumed they just didn't look properly but nope, no kindle, sigh.  I had to deactivate it, thank goodness for the iPad and iPod but I did Love my Kindle.  It was the 2nd version though so looks like a new one for Christmas, lol

So friends, I am sorry for not visiting as I usually do.  I am going to try again to get back with it.  This is usually Thrill Week here on my blog too, sigh, I am disappointed I didn't plan but I just couldn't get into it. 

I look forward to catching up with you, HAPPY READING.....



  1. Sounds like you are having a tough time, I hope it gets better soon.

    Have a great week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Thanks Shelleyrae, I appreciate you stopping by.

  2. Don't push yourself or stress about it and you'll get your reading mojo back. I miss your blog but will be here when you return.

    1. Kathy, I always appreciate the support, thank you.

  3. I hope things pick up for you. I get sad too when I don't feel like reading and miss blogging.

    1. Pat, the scary part is when I came and went to a few blogs, I had no idea of the book or author, how does that happen.....

      Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I miss your suspense reviews, but sometimes our mood is outside our genre, so perhaps just picking up whatever really catches your eye instead of your usual fare will work. Too bad about the Kindle, but at least you can still keep reading ebooks :)
    I took part in your Thrill Weeks about 2 years ago (as Best O'Books) and enjoyed that! Oh well, you know what, put yourself first, what you want to do, and the rest will fall in place. If you don't have the time to review, just put up what you rate the books and then you can stay in the loop. Enjoy your week.

    1. I didn't want to half ass Thrill Week, it took a lot of planning so want to do it right, the next would be year 3, we will see.

      I think I will try to do a rating posts for the books I read, thanks for that idea.

  5. *hugs* Marce! I went through a real reading funk a little over a year ago. Thankfully my reading finally got much, much better. I didn't review much during that time, either. Sometimes you just need to do what's right for you.

    Oh, no. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your Kindle! :( Hopefully Santa will be good to you this year and bring you a new one.

    1. Thanks Jennifer, yes, keeping fingers crossed for new Kindle, it did last me 4/5 years, that is great, right ;-)

  6. I can totally related. Happened to me over the summer. I've revamped how I approach my reading and my blog, it's new to me again. Good luck to you, but if really needed, take a break. We'll all be here when you get back.

    1. Dalene, I really appreciate that you guys are so supportive, thank you.

  7. Sorry you have been having a hard time lately. I do hope things even out for you and you get back into the swing of things. Sorry you lost your Kindle. Mine died on my last trip and I have yet to replace it.

    1. If I didn't have an iPad, I would have bought a new one already, I LOVE LOVE LOVE eReading.

  8. A missing Kindle? Oh no!!! :(
    Lets hope you do get one for Christmas.

    Take your time. :)

    I hope things start to look up. *hug*

    1. Juju, thank you hon - yes, hoping for Christmas :-) hugs

  9. Oh Marce, funks suck! Lost kindle, oh no! Mine finally wouldn't charge anymore so we got a new one.

    Don't sweat the reading. The groove'll come back. Books are always there waiting.


  10. awww **hugs** sending good thoughts your way. That sucks you lost your Kindle!

  11. Oh Marcy...I think I know how frustrated you are. Maybe there is something in the air that is affecting us :). I have also been in a MAJOR slump this year too. I think I have read 7 books since January. Don't stress over it, I'm sure you will be reading, like you did, in no time.

  12. Sorry about the Kindle, that's a killer! I' feel your pain.

    As to the other, we all go through these spurts especially when we've been at the book blogging for so long. Right now I'm going through the same thing only in reverse. I'm happily reading away but can't get myself to write a review and the books that need reviews are piling up making my desire to review them lessen even more. And they were great books too!

  13. (((((((((((((( hugs )))))))))))))))))))

    Big hugs! Change can hit us in so many ways. I hope you get your reading mojo back but until then why not just blog about whatever. That way you get to blog without the pressure :)

  14. Miss talking with you and so sorry about the Kindle. :(

  15. Aww... sorry about the kindle. I hope it turns up sometime - that happens you know. And don't worry about the reading mojo, it will come back too. I've been on a yo-yo phase this year, but I hope mine's back for good now. (We'll see.)

  16. Sorry about the kindle :( I am still reading, though at a much slower pace than pre-kid. Hard to come across a book that makes me stay up, though mostly because I'm so tired that I fell asleep at my computer desk. I am pretty up to date with my review... but I think only because I read less now so it's easier to catch up. But I am way behind on visiting other blogs... drop me a note any time if you want to chat okay? Take care.


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