Monday, March 8, 2010

Who has LibraryThing?

LibraryThing is one of the wonderful sites I have found out about since blogging.
If you have a LT account and don't mind sharing with me, please do so I can add you as a friend and or add your library as interesting to watch.
Here is mine. I categorise in Kindle, Wishlist and Library. I am also starting to keep track on who/blog I get the recommendation from.
I have enjoyed seeing blogging friends on LT and even Amazon reviews. The blogosphere is just so unique and wonderful, I am happy to be a part of it.
Thanks for visiting Tea Time with Marce


  1. Me me :)

  2. I have LT also, but really don't use it that much. I am in love with Goodreads right now, lol. Here is my link though:

  3. I LOVE LibraryThing! Now that they've added collections it is even more helpful for me.

    Here is my link:

  4. I've been with LibraryThing for a couple of years now, and really love it for cataloging my books. I like GoodReads, too, although I don't have all my books listed there.

    Here's my LT link:

  5. I'm on Library Thing as bermudaonion!

  6. I am on Librarything as bookaholicmom. I like both Goodreads and Librarything.

  7. I'm on library thing as well as Goodreads. I've been somewhat behind on logging my books on both sites though. I think my profile is icewoman96 at Library Thing.

  8. I love LibraryThing. I'm a sucker for statistics about my reading that I don't have to actually do the math on myself. I just "friended" you.

  9. I also enjoy Library Thing. I think they have a great cataloging system. I will look for you, but if I don't find you, I am Jo-Jo.

  10. I just joined last week, but I really love GoodReads. I think I have one book on LT so far. :-) I'll probably mostly use it for arcs I'm sent. I just can't convince myself to pay for it when I get GR for free. Have fun with it!


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