Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Best Book Covers of 2010

Every Sunday Larissa's Bookish Life post a TOP 5 list on her blog. It can be about anything and every week she will have a new theme {You can vote on next week’s theme on her left sidebar!}

I was interested in this one so decided to join and share with you.

My Top 5 Covers

See the man in the eye and the writing all over the book, my favourite cover of the year.

Adult Fiction

YA Suspense

YA - Simple but so meaningful to the story

Thriller Suspense

Do you have a favourite cover of the year?


  1. Prophesy of the Sisters is quite eye catching!

  2. Lol, I like the Goldfish one! That one is wicked

  3. The covers of The Godmother and Out of my Mind definitely caught my eye when I first saw them. Definitely eye-catching!

  4. I love the cover for OUT OF MY MIND! I don't really have a favorite book cover this year but the ones you have are great.

  5. Recently read Out of My Mind and thought the cover is nice! Have to look through my books to see which ones are my favorites...

  6. I'm normally freaked out by eye pics but Cut Short's cover is amazing! I do like Prophecy of the Sisters cover but absolutely loved it's original cover :(

  7. Thanks Marce...Horns looks a great read I bought in hardback as I had a book token to spend. I think Joe Hill will take off in the UK...it probably helps that he is the famous son...although I am sure he does not like being constantly reminded of this :) I am reading a book by Greg Gifune at the moment on the Kindle and as you can see from my blog I love my kindle!!
    Trev T


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