Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 The Three R's Challenge

This is a great Challenge for me.  First off I always keep who recommends books to me, so that organisational part is done, thank you LibraryThing.  I need to work on actually reading them, I'm not sure how good I am with that but the Wishlist continues to grow :-)

Go here to join and to see recommended reviews.

We'd like to link our reviews that mention the blogger that suggested the book we've read and are now reviewing.

I am going for the 2nd level

7-12 Books (~1 reviews every month)

We're not making this a difficult challenge, actually, it's going to be very simple!
  1. This challenge will begin on January 1, 2011 and end on December 31, 2011.
  2. Write a starting post stating how thankful you plan to be in the upcoming year and link it to the linky we'll have on the starting post.
  3. Read a book recommended  to you by another blogger. (This book can be a crossover from another challenge.)
  4. Review the book & Recognize the blogger who recommended it to you.
  5. Recommend the Book in our Recommend linky by linking your review post naming the blogger who recommended the book to you.


  1. Marce:
    Welcome!! So glad you are joining us. Please stop by the site often because we have lots planned and you can read what we want the challenge to be. Gina and I are also hosing another challenge that hasn't been posted yet but....its a Challenge Addict Challenge, which you can find here: http://readingchallengeaddict.blogspot.com/

  2. I am not embracing being a challenge addict, lol. I only joined 8 and two I consider a real challenge.

    Look forward to reading the site.

  3. Thanks Marce for recognizing my review of Up From the Blue. I can't wait to see what you think of it when you read it!

  4. I'm participating in this one as well; I have fifteen books so far and will likely add more as I go :)


Thanks for visiting Tea Time with Marce, I appreciate your comments. I have decided to make this an Award Free Zone, thank you for thinking of me but I prefer comments and do my best to be a good networking blogging friend also.

If you are a new follower, please tell me so I can come visit also.