Friday, January 21, 2011

Ted Dekker Recommendations Please

I have seen many bloggers reading Ted Dekker, I am very intrigued.  What would you recommend for me to read first please.

I considered Thr3e from a great review but within two weeks I have read three negative reviews so I don't think that is a good one to start with now.

Here are the titles I have seen around:

The Bride Collector
Immanuel's Veins
Boneman's Daughters

Also, if you know my style good enough and feel this is not an author I will enjoy, please be honest and say that.

Thanks for the recommendations.


  1. Okay I don't know really know what your type is but I can tell you that he is a Christian Suspense/Thriller author so his books might have a Christian undertone to them, but they are never preachy. He has a book that he wrote with Frank Peretti called House which I loved. The Bride Collector is a good one as well. I thought Three was okay as well.

  2. Suspense/Thriller is my favourite genre so I think I will enjoy it, I did know he was a Christian author.

    Thanks ladystorm

  3. I say Immanuel's Veins for shizzle dizzle.

  4. I haven't tried his work yet. Good luck though :)

  5. I was probably one of the ones that you read that didn't like Thr3e; I was exceedingly disappointed in it. I do have "Black" and "The Boneman's Daughters" on my shelves - Black was listed in the Book Bloggers Recommendation list - I've just been putting it off after reading Thr3e (I'm kind of weird like that - when one book, especially the first book I read, by an author is a bleh!, I'm not too eager to read any others)

    .. I know that probably wasn't any help, as Black isn't on your list, and I haven't read the others, but .. just don't read Thr3e unless it's already on your shelf and you have nothing else to read.


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