Sunday, March 27, 2011

Review - Last Exit in New Jersey by C.E. Grundler

Book Summary

Nice young ladies from the Garden State really shouldn’t be dumping bodies at sea. Then again, 20 year-old Hazel Moran is anything but your typical Jersey girl. Raised aboard a schooner and riding shotgun beside her father in their old tractor-trailer truck, there’s little on the road or water that she can’t handle; it’s her people skills that need work. Normally that isn’t an issue – behind the wheel of a Kenworth most people tend to leave her alone. But when Hazel and her father become the targets of some unsavory characters hunting for her blue-haired cousin, their stolen tractor-trailer truck and a delivery that never arrived, she knows it’s time to heed a lesson learned from her favorite hardboiled paperbacks: playing nice will only end in tears.

Somewhat hard-boiled, slightly noir, Last Exit In New Jersey is an offbeat tale that travels from a Delaware Bay ghost-town to metropolitan north Jersey, where boats and big rigs set the scene for danger, suspense, dark humor and an unlikely bit of romance.

My Review - 2 1/2 Not my Cup of Tea

As many of you know Thriller is my favourite so when an author or Publisher asks me to read their Thriller I always say yes.  it really hurts me for a Thriller not to be my cup of tea. 

In the end I felt I tortured myself and should have gave up on this book the few times I considered it. 

I thought Psychological Thrillers were my favourite but I have now realised I figure a main part out and it takes away from the book for me, I hate this but it has happened a few times now.  Another issue I have is the summary not being accurate, almost purposely putting you off, why do that, ugggh.

I did love the voices and dialogue in this book but it didn't have me on the edge of my seat and even though we were purposely put off from thoughts and thrown this way and that way it just didn't work for me.

The ending was also wrapped up a little nicely, answering questions that came up throughout the book but for me it just felt like it should have had more of an impact.

I also liked the difference of this thriller being on boats, the author did a great job with that. There is a lot of action but for me it just didn't fully entertain me.

I look forward to reading other bloggers reviews on this one.  I would recommend it to fans of Shutter Island and Fight Club types.


  1. I liked Fight Club but not Shutter Island, so I think I'll pass.

  2. Bummer that you didn't enjoy this one more....

  3. Thank for the honest review. Not every book can be for every reader and I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.


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