Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's Monday - what are you reading

Sheila over at Book Journey has an incentive for networking so go over and have fun while adding to your 2014 Wishlist.

I am currently reading a heart wrenching memoir, all about timing, tears tears tears......

I finally reviewed The Cry, it will be up on Wed
Up next I think is going to be a Christmas story, of course still my genre of choice, mystery
Any Christmas reads you would recommend?  I thought these were great:
Snowed Over - 4 1/2





  1. I haven't read any of the Christmas reads, but Yuletide Treasure caught my attention.

  2. I haven't read any of those books but I bet I'd love Swimming with Maya since I'm a memoir junkie.

  3. Snowed Over looks cute! Yay for some Aggie!

  4. I do so like the mix of reads here. Enjoy.

  5. Added The Cry to my shelves. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your Christmas book!!

  6. Snowed Over looks so cute! I'm keen to read your review of The Cry and Swimming with Maya is going straight on my wishlist. Have a great week and happy reading :)

  7. A Christmas read sounds lovely. I put a hold on the Jim Dale audio of A Christmas Carol at my library. I hope I can give that a listen before Christmas.

  8. All of your books sound good, especially the Andrea Kane one. I'm going to add it to my list.

  9. The Cry is something I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on.

  10. I remember reading Silent Night years ago! Now I'm interested in knowing more about Swimming with Maya. Have a good week.

  11. The first two books look like tear jerkers. Enjoy the Christmas novels too!

    Book Dilettante

  12. Swimming with Maya and The Cry both look so tempting! Enjoy...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  13. Yuletide Treasure sounds promising and I've gotta read that Snowed Over by Angie Stanton. Have a great week!

  14. I love, love, love Agatha Christie! And I just finished a book by Mary Higgins Clark not too long ago....I didn't realize she had Christmas books. How fun! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Cry. It looks good!

  15. I can't handle any tears this season. It's too hard to get everything done, with cheer, to risk a crying a jag! I read Silent Night a long time ago and loved it.

  16. Those look like some very interesting books to read!

  17. The Agatha Christie sounds like a great choice! There is something perfect about a mystery when it's cold out, even before the Christmas element!

  18. I hoped you liked The Cry as much as I did, I'll check back for your review.

    Have a cheery week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  19. I'm reading a cute and fun memoir this week. It brings back memories of things I use to do. I haven't read an Agatha Christie book in some time, I have some on my TBR pile, will have to try for one of them in 2014.

  20. I only got round to reading Agatha Christie for the first time this year, but I think a good Christie mystery would be perfect winter reading.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  21. The cover of the memoir is beautiful. Tears, tears, tears may steer me away, though. :)

    ENJOY your week. All of your books look so good.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading


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