Monday, December 30, 2013

Last Monday of 2013

Sheila over at Book Journey has an incentive for networking so go over and have fun while adding to your 2014 Wishlist.

Friends, my sad news - my Hotmail account of 13+ years has been hacked, unable to access it and the verify questionnaire is crap, I cannot get into it and it won't allow me in.  I have far to much information in a 'free' email account, I am so upset I can't put it into words.  I had to change my Amazon passwords and am still thinking about others.  I will call my bank tomorrow, just to be sure, ugggh.

Any ideas, feedback that may help???

Onto book matters........

I completed a great Novella - will review today or tomorrow

A Christmas Treat, loved this Agatha Christie - My Review
And I am going to participate in this for what my next book is..........



  1. Ooo, I love Agatha Christie, how fun :)

  2. Sorry about your account that is frustrating!

  3. My Yahoo account was hacked a few years ago, and it was such a frustrating process, untangling all the accounts connected to it...I had to start over. I had business cards, bookmarks, etc., all with the printed e-mail on them...worthless now. It's been awhile, and I still store stuff on my new account, but it's good to have several places for information storage.

    Good luck sorting it out. I know that I wanted to kick someone's

    Enjoy your week as best you have some tempting books there. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Sucks when your account gets hacked. Just try to remember what mails you are receiving regular and see what you miss. Unfortunately there is no easy way to find out all the connections to an email address but I think you know the most important ones. Good luck with the whole situation, I hope it will not give to many troubles.

    Hope your new year will start with a bit more luck and good books!

  5. Oh that's awful Marce, it is such a horror. I hope you are able to resolve things quickly. Keep harassing Yahoo for help!

    Have a happy week!
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  6. Looks like a review I need to keep my eyes peeled for.

  7. Oh no what a nightmare! When you can, Paypal is a good way to go when purchasing things online. It is more secure than paying by credit card. I hope you get everything sorted out quickly and easily, with minimal issues.

  8. What a mess! I hope you get your email straightened out soon. Have a great week. Happy New Year.

  9. I'm so sorry about your hotmail account. :( I really hope you get it all resolved. Have a wonderful new year, Marce.

  10. I'm doing the first book of the year thing too. I'm excited to see what you will be reading!

    I hope you get everything worked out with your email and bank accounts. That sounds so stressful!

  11. Oh, so very sorry to hear you were hacked. I understand how upsetting it is. I hope you can clear things up easily and quickly.

    Enjoy your books this week and have a happy new year!


    Book By Book

    Book by Book is now on Facebook!

  12. Happy New Year!! My blog and gmail accounts were hacked a couple of years ago. It was awful, my blog was full of hateful, vile things. A couple of friends helped me so much. Remember to change your password often. I was changing mine every week for awhile. Sending hugs your way!!

  13. Ugh, my gmail account was locked up one time and I was close to tears so I can imagine how frustrated you are.

  14. Oh, that really sucks about your email account. So sorry to hear about that. I could understand your frustration. I'm participating in First Book of the Year too. Looking forward to it.

  15. How awful about your e-mail account. That has to be so terrible.

    I LOVE your 2014 adorable.

    I am participating in the First book of the Year too. I never knew about it until yesterday. So glad I found it. It seems like so much fun, but Shelia is ALWAYS fun. :)

    THANKS for stopping by my blog earlier. I hope you get things settled with your e-mail.

    Happy New Year.

    International giveaway on my blog on January 2. Hope you can stop by.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  16. Happy New Year to you too! I understand your frustration. My yahoo account was hacked couple of years ago.

  17. Ugh, I'm sorry about the email troubles. How frustrating! I recently added a phone number to my account so they could call or text with an "unlock" code. I've actually had to use it once already. Hackers suck! :-(

  18. Oh no about your email! I was just about to email you too :( Eail me when you have a new one okay (or when it is back to working)?

  19. oh my dear I am so so sorry about your email account. I can't even begin to imagine what a nightmare that must be! Why do people do crazy crap like that. I can hear the frustration in your writing. Please know I'm sending you lots of good energy and praying it will all work out sooner rather than later. Best wishes for a new year!


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