Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Teaser Tuesday - Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along!

Just do the following and go here to participate: Teaser Tuesday

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) 'teaser' sentences from somewhere on that page
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I am really enjoying this book.

I am tied to Max the same way that an astronaut is tied to his spaceship by hoses and wires.  If the spaceship blows up and the astronaut dies, that doesn't mean that the astronaut was imaginary.  It just means that his life support was cut off.

1% on Kindle

Book Summary

I am not imaginary...

Budo is lucky as imaginary friends go. He's been alive for more than five years, which is positively ancient in the world of imaginary friends. But Budo feels his age and thinks constantly of the day when eight-year-old Max Delaney will stop believing in him. When that happens, Budo will disappear.

Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend is a triumph of courage and imagination that touches on the truths of life, love, and friendship as it races to a heartwarming . . . and heartbreaking conclusion.



  1. O powerful teaser. Haunting almost.

  2. Sounds interesting! I will look forward to your review.

  3. I hope it doesn't end too sadly. That would wreck the book for me...

  4. really loved that teaser ... here’s my teaser http://wp.me/p3v5T1-6n


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