Thursday, October 20, 2011

Booking Through Thursday - Reading Habits

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Want to participate in Booking Through Thursday, go here......

Do your reading habits change when you’re on vacation? Do you read more? Do you indulge in lighter, fluffier books than you usually read? Do you save up special books so you’ll be able to spend real vacation time with them? Or do you just read the same old stuff, vacation or not?

I would say I get to read more on vacation, mainly because it is hours on the plane and in airports, not having to drive so I can read instead.

Most vacations is with my partner and no children so I go for exciting books, like Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James.  Why do I do this........  My partner that doesn't read will take interest, whats going on now, read me a section, what do you think will happen, oh no you have to wait for the next book, guess another vacation.......  BIG SMILES  It makes those reads more fun.

Other times I will try to read specific to location.  We like to go Boston so the last time I read The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen, it is fun knowing some of the streets etc mentioned.  It also adds to the eerie feeling when reading about serial killers, which I love.  Maybe every time I go Boston I will continue with this series actually.

I also find that 90% of the time I love what I choose during vacation.

What about you?


  1. I am not a big vacation reader, I think because we drive, and it is almost always to visit family, and friends, so there is so much talking, I don't have time to read. I usually take one easy to read book with me, and if I get it read and think I need another book, I look for a bookstore to visit and buy a book. But, that almost never happens.

  2. Sounds like you plan well for vacation! I like the idea of reading an author from the vacation location, or maybe a book about that city. My husband is never intrigued by what I'm reading, but just as he feels it necessary to share hockey information with me, I'll share a good book with him. :-)

  3. It depends on where we're vacationing. At the beach, I get a lot read, otherwise I don't.

  4. I love taking books on vacation with me. With my Nook, I have an unlimited amount :)

  5. I think I choose books based on location--I also like reading books that set wherever I'm at/going. It's weird to be reading about some place that you're going to ;)
    Great post!

  6. i like the idea of reading books specific to the location of your vacation!

    Trish - My BTT Post

  7. Very cool about reading a book about a specific location :)

    Here's mine:

  8. For me, it depends on where I am. If I go away then I usually read less but if I'm at home, I read more. :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Sounds like you get some good reading time during vacation. I'm the opposite, I always bring a few books, mostly Stephen King but never make the time to read them.

  10. I don't get to read much on vacation, but I love the idea of reading books set in the place you're visiting. The Surgeon is on my TBR!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
    ~ Claire @ Project to be Read

  11. It's funny because I always end up bringing a lot of books with me during vacation, but never read them!

  12. I just got back from my annual one week family vacation. With four kids and usually a busy schedule planned I don't get to read much though I always have books on hand. I do tend to go for the lighter stuff though because I usually have to put down the book multiple times to attend to other things and since we usually camp in a tent, battery life of torches is an issue :)
    I do love your idea of reading novels that are based on the places you go though. Unfortunately our family holidays aren't quite glamorous enough for that to be viable LOL

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  13. Haha, that's funny. I read less on vacations - somehow I can't hold a book when I'm out, and I end up feeling guilty that I'm reading when I've spent so much money to go away from home and enjoy the scenery lol.

  14. I knew some books about good habits and moral ​​values that book was very helpful to me. I'll post the name soon 'cause in this moment I don't remember.


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