Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's Monday - What are you reading, this is what I'm reading.....

It's Monday, What are You Reading  Sheila over at Book Journey has an incentive for networking so go over and have fun while continuing to add to your 2011 Wishlist.

I just completed more of Fifty - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND, you must read in order

Review of Fifty Shades of Grey
Review of Fifty Shades Darker

I started reading...  (it is not gripping me, will go back to it)

Currently Reading

Currently reading.....

I am looking forward to the release of this adult Verse Novel, maybe my next read.

Have a great week, I look forward to see what your reading.


  1. I just started reading Dracula too. I just finished chapter 1 and am sure it will get good but for now I'm wondering where it's going to go!

  2. What a great variety! I tried Dracula and just couldn't get into it. I'm curious about the Ellen Hopkins book because so many of my HS students love her.

    My Monday Report is here. Happy reading.

  3. I've got Triangles to read as well. I hope to soon but I'm in a reading slump right now. I am about to cuddle up with the dog and keep reading The Manicurist by Phyllis Scheiber. Hope you had a great Sunday.

  4. Ooo You've reminded me that I want to dive into Dracula this October - it'll be my first time reading it!

  5. Awesome group of books, can;t wait to hear your thoughts on them

    Come check out our It's Monday! What are you reading? if you get a chance... Crazy Book Slut

  6. looks like you are getting ready for Halloween.

  7. I love Dracula. Heart-Shaped Box wasn't my cup of tea but lots of my friends like it. I guess it was a pretty normal week of reading for me. Please come see what I've read.

  8. I loved Dracula! Especially the first part, where Jonathan narrates his experiences. I had quite the fright there. I hope you will come back to it and enjoy the book. I actually listened to it on audio. It makes good audio because of all those spooky happenings.

  9. Heart-Shaped Box sounds right up your alley! Have a great week of reading.

  10. Dramatic looking books! I like the look of Triangles. Here are a few books on my shelves listed in the right column of my blog.

  11. OOH have fun with Dracula!!!

    Enjoy your week :)

  12. It seems quite a few people are reading Dracula right now...I don't think I ever read it.

    Stop by my It's Monday post if you get a chance.

  13. Ooh..a spooky pre-Hallowe'en theme, I see :) I hope you enjoy The Heart-Shaped Box--it's awaiting me on my TBR shelf. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it. Enjoy your books :)

  14. Some interesting books there. I loved Dracula, but it's been many many years since I read it -- don't know how I'd react if I were reading it for the first time now (after the Great Vampire Invasion!). Hope you enjoy all your reading this week!

  15. Ooh, delightful looking books! I've been wanting to read Joe Hill's books...and Triangles has piqued my interest.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  16. I loved Dracula and can re-read it again...enjoy your week :D

  17. Enjoy your books :) I liked Dracula, but I found it a tad too long. I really liked Heart Shaped Box.

  18. I haven't read Heart-Shape Box (which I hope to read sometime) but I really enjoyed Horns by the same author.

    Have a good week!

  19. I hope you like HSB as much as I did :)


  20. Maybe Dracula should be the next classic that I tackle! I've never really been interested in the subject of Dracula, but I was completely sucked into The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Maybe it is for me after all.

  21. I haven't heard of Fifty so I'm off to check it out on Goodreads.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, hope our little possum visitor didnt give you nightmares lol

    Have a great week and happy reading :)

  22. I have the Joe Hill book in my TBR. I hope you enjoy your books.

  23. I do like the cover of that 50 Shades book. I'll be interested to see what you think of Heart-Shaped Box! I enjoyed Dracula when I read it a few years ago, but there were some big things that drove me crazy about it. Enjoy your week!

  24. The Fifty Shades cover looks so cool. Dracula seems like a perfect read for October, leading up to Halloween! Happy Reading!

  25. I hope you get into Dracula, I thoguht it was so creepy in the first half i actually wondered if I would be able to keep reading it


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