Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Met my Goal - 50 books

I never considered how many books I read or could read before blogging.  I possibly read 4 books before, gasp.  :-0

Last year I said go for 50 and I read 54, I wanted to stick to the same this year and I just completed my 50th book, yaaaaay me.

I work full time, teach twice a week (a fusion class - mix of Pilates and Yoga) and have a 4 year old daughter, so life is busy.  I only get to really read late nights and weekends which is approximately 1 book a week for sure.

I am not going to stretch myself for more, I think 50 will be the yearly goal, allowing me to continue to enjoy life and reading without it becoming overwhelmed.  I do try to read a mix of genres even though Thriller, Suspense and Mystery are my favourites by far.   The main reading goal is to try new authors in these genres.

Here is the list so far. - Title, Author, Rating and Month read


  1. Congrats!! I know how hard it is to find reading time when you have work and family. If I didn't commute by train, I'd probably read a book a week or less myself.

  2. Way to go! I have a feeling you're going to surpass last year.

  3. Congrats! :) The feeling of accomplishing something is amazing. My goal is to read 100 books this year and I'm up to 90 books right now. I hope that like you, I meet my goal too!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You hit your goal for the year. How great.

  5. Great list! My yearly goal is usually 50 as well. I think a book a week is a great number.

  6. Great job! I haven't met my yearly goal yet and I am not sure if I will or not!

  7. Congrats! I also average about a book a week. That's more than I used to read before blogging, too.

  8. Congrats on achieving your goal with almost 2 months to spare!

  9. Yay for reaching your goal! I'd read just over 100 books a year since 2008, but I don't know if I could do it this year - I didn't set a goal number, but I did set a goal to read only what I want to... quality over quantity. Important for me to remember that since I've been having a very slow reading week(s).

  10. Wooo! That's awesome! Excellent job! I took a huge break from reading today, but look forward to setting a goal and tracking it next year.

    Just think -- there's still a month and a half left to the year. You'll get way passed 50! :)

  11. Congrats on reaching your goal!

  12. You guys are the best, thanks for the congratulation comments. It is so exciting. And the only book I really shouldn't count is Go The F**k to sleep.

    And over all I am very happy with my reading choices. I read to my mood, try new authors and accept minimum ARC's or books from authors. It is working for me.

    I can actually read some holiday reads in Dec now.

  13. Congrats Marce!
    I was too optimistic this year and won't reach my book a day goal but I don't really mind so much - there is always next year!

    Shelleyrae @ book'd Out

  14. I'm gonna have to start doing that - reading to my mood and accept much fewer books for review purposes!

  15. Congratulations for meeting your reading goal! Good for you :)

  16. Congrats on reaching your goal, you got some great reads in :)
    I try to get a book read per week, but sometimes I just can't find the time.

  17. Congrats!! I don't think I read much either pre-blogging, so I'm glad that I decided to blog.

  18. WTG!!! Good job!!! I am so looking forward to 2012 and all the new challenges since I read so little due to real life.


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