Thursday, July 1, 2010

BTT - Disappointment in book or author?

BTT - Name a book or author that you truly wanted to love but left you disappointed. (And, of course, explain why.)

My immediate answer is Time Traveler's Wife.  I tried my first book club and was excited to read this one, I had to abandon after a few tries, I was disappointed because I really wanted to be a part of discussion and then started blogging a few months later and still couldn't participate.  I am happy to know there were others that agreed with me though.

My discussion about the book vs the movie here - Time Traveler's Wife

And this was a new author for me, Sophie Hannah, I truly thought I would love her and it was a possible new favourite author NOPE.  I read the Wrong Mother and was disappointed but willing to try another by her, any recommendations?

My review - The Wrong Mother

Thanks for visiting Tea Time with Marce


  1. Oh no! I bought this book a while ago after seeing the movie. I hope it doesn't disappoint me.

  2. I haven't read this one yet but a friend borrowed it to me so hopefully I will soon. One that fell really short for me was The Secret Life of Bees...everyone loved it but not me!

  3. Kathy - I think most love it.

    JoJo - The Secret Life of Bees movie was so touching, loved it.

  4. I tried this one, too, because it had gotten such wonderful reviews. Couldn't get past the first few pages. I'm glad to know that someone else also had problems with it! Haven't seen the movie, either, but that might be better than trying to struggle through the book.

  5. It's a slow-moving book and there's certainly an argument for paring down some of the content (editing is a good thing, and in the case of The Time Traveler's Wife, not enough of it was done), but I actually loved this book. I found it heartbreaking and romantic.

    However, I can see that it isn't for everyone.

    (I hated the movie, though.)

  6. I haven't read this book, but some seem to love it and some to hate it. Maybe I should take a look at it and judge for myself to be sure! Good review, btw!

  7. Amen!
    I hated Time Traveler's Wife.
    The love and sex were to crass and I never connected with them as a couple.

  8. Hmm. I own this book but haven't read it yet. Some of your responses cause concern. Of course I'll read objectively. I'm sorry you didn't like it; and will have to see if I will. I don't do well with slow-moving plots, though.

  9. Wow, I am really happy I was not the only one but this one I really can understand why people enjoyed it.

    Harris and Donna if you are intrigued I say go for it but if you are not enjoying the style I would say abandon it.

  10. I didn't like the Time Traveller's Wife that much either! I didn't get what all the hype was about! I thought the movie was pretty good though :)

  11. I'm bummed you didn't like TTW...I found it breathtakingly emotional.

  12. I haven't read that one..and thank you for letting me know not to pick it up. Glad you joined in for BTT.

  13. I haven't read that book either, and after your review and some of the comments, I will not be reading it anytime soon, if ever!

  14. I have The Time Traveler's Wife and have been looking forward to reading it. I'm sorry to hear it didn't meet expectations.

  15. I actually enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife, although it's very bitter-sweet, so I will not be reading it again. Thank you for noting that I got my author's confused, and thanks for letting me know your thoughts on The Pact by Jodi Picoult :)

  16. Whoaaaa!!! Time Traveler's Wife?REALLY? Anyway, thanks for sharing...this book has always tempted me everytime I visit the bookstore but (as usual) i end up getting other books instead!lol!

    Thanks again!


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