Monday, February 18, 2013

Groovy Monday, what are you reading?

Sheila over at Book Journey has an incentive for networking so go over and have fun while adding to your 2013 Wishlist.

Last week was such a weird one.  I started 4 different books.  I am a one book at a time reader, I give one my complete attention.  Well last week none were grabbing my attention, I knew it was a mood issue but felt the same about them all, they were ok, possibly 3 stars, I moved on, got bored came back, they picked up a little, repeat, repeat repeat again.  So here's to hoping I get my groove back.

I am currently giving my attention to

I expected so much more from this one, but I can't get into it.  If I complete it, I doubt I will go on with this series.
I found a great inspiration book.  Very much needed as I realised with my life being in transition mode - work, living arrangements, grief, studying, I needed a pick me up with solutions.
Kate Morton is an author I want to read this year, please participate in my sidebar poll.  You can go to my post here to read the summaries if you need or want to.
Have a great week, I have time to network again, yaaaay, I look forward to visiting you.


  1. I hope you find your reading mojo again girl :) Have a great week!!

  2. Yes, I hope you get your reading back again. It can be so irritating. The Grafton books are quite good and you will fall in love with the characters if you continue.

  3. I hope Start Over helps you and you find yourself in a good place again.

  4. I hate it when I lose my reading mojo. I hope you find yours.

  5. I had some false starts lately too. I like to look for inspirational books when that happens.

  6. Sorry that Sue Grafton was not your cup of tea (sorry, couldn't resist the bad pun). I voted for The Forgotten Garden, love the dark and mysterious fairy tales premise. Thanks for stopping by my blog today and putting two and two together on who I am! Lucky to have won the Book Journey's gift card this morning!

  7. We all go through weeks like that. I started the Grafton series but gave it up fairly quickly and I love that type of book. Hope this week is better.

  8. I've heard about the Body Finder book - so I'm curious about it. I'll be looking for your review. Enjoy your week, Marce!

  9. Hope your mojo turns up. I did your Kate Morton poll, I loved both The Secret Keeper and The Forgotten Garden but Forgotten Garden is probably a better one to ease into Kate's style. The Body Finder is on my TBR stacks ... not sure when I'll get to it though.

  10. I hope you find something you like to read soon. I know those moods - when nothing seems to hold your attention - ughh!!

    Tanya Patrice

  11. I have lots of Kate Morton books too but haven't read any of them yet. I know what it's like to struggle with finding a book to fit your mood. The worst was when I was pregnant - by the third trimester I had at least 30 books partially read, and many of them I still haven't gone back to. Just could not finish a book!

  12. I felt the exact same way about The Body Finder! I was so anxious and excited to read it, but felt it was kind of... "meh." I finished it, but won't be reading the rest of the series.

  13. Thanks for all the post and comments. I was really going to read the body finder, but now I will first read some other books on my shelf ;)

  14. I didn't like A for Alibi either. But I loved all the other books in the series.


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