Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm on Goodreads, any tips

I decided to join Goodreads.  I wanted to join in on the voting for 2011 and there have been a few quiz or discussions I have came across with interest.

Another bonus, a favourite blogger that threw in the towel is still on Goodreads so that is a plus to reconnect.

There ratings are very different from mine, will have to think about that, Amazon is closer to my thinking.

5 it was amazing
4 really liked it
3 liked it
2 it was ok
1 didn't like it

So my question is, are you on Goodreads?  Leave me your email address in comments please.  Or send me a request at marceblogspot(at)hotmail(dot)com

Any tips for me?

Voting is up - go here to participate


  1. I am on Goodreads. I love it :) It's a great way to network, hear about new books, enter giveaways, and connect with folks who aren't bloggers.

    This is me:

  2. Welcome to GoodReads! I sent you a request. I tend to choose my stars as though I were rating on Amazon.

  3. I am on Goodreads, but don't utilize it as I should. Have fun.

  4. I am on goodreads but only use it to track what I'd read and rate them (same system as I use in my blog - can't give 1/2 stars there but I will write that in, e.g. 2.5 stars I'll mark as 2, but write 2.5 in my comment). I haven't used it to network... I subscribed to a couple of their discussion forum but they move way too fast for me. I like signing up for the giveaway books :)

  5. I'm on goodreads!! :)

  6. Thanks friends,

    I am liking it so far. Being able to see at a glance how we rated the same book.

  7. I sent you a request. I like to use goodreads to keep track of what I have read and what needs to be read. I have joined in on a few book groups too which can be a lot of fun.

  8. I am on Goodreads, but mostly use it to keep track of my books, and what I have left to read. I post my reviews on Goodreads, and hardly ever post one on my blog, unless it is one I read for a challenge. I have a little box on my sidebar of my blog that shows what I am currently reading a some of my reviews.

  9. Love Goodreads to track my books. I loved the reading challenge you can join every year. You put in your goal for how many books you want to read and it keeps track. So cool.

    stephaniet117 at yahoo dot com

  10. I love Goodreads and have sent you a friend request, take some tim eto dig around there is lots to discover!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  11. I'm on Goodreads and sent a request to you earlier. The ratings are fairly in line with mine on the blog, but I tend to put any books I mark with a 1/2 on my blog as the lower number on Goodreads, but the higher number on Amazon. So a 2.5 on my blog would be a 2 on Goodreads and a 3 on Amazon. The wording on each of those sites is very different.

  12. Hello, I'm on goodreads as well, it's a great site to keep track of all the books I've read and want to read. I've sent you a friend request.

  13. You won't regret being on GR - It's like an addiction. Get ready for your TBR list to expand quickly!

  14. Can you link your profile? I'd love to add you to my friends on GR!

  15. OK. I am an idiot. LOL I re-read the post and found what I need. I just sent a request. :-)

  16. Just added you! So glad to find you there!!


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