Friday, August 27, 2010

Book triggers real life memory

I work in Human Resources and about 6 months ago I met a young men that looked familiar but I couldn't figure it out.

Well I am reading Remains by Vincent Zandri and reading this bought back the memory.

Just because no visible evidence of a break-in existed didn't mean that it hadn't happened.  I remember him as a small man.  Maybe even small enough to fit through that open window.

Guess what........ I was the head juror approx 3 years ago and I (the jurors) sent this man to jail for 2-3 years on a drug related crime and trying to flee out the window was a part of the case.


I can't believe it, the hairs on my arms rose when I figured it out.  I never thought I will see them ( it was 3 men) again, I mean how crazy is that.  During our 30 minute meeting I didn't remember, I wonder if he does.

Thanks for reading I just wanted to share that. 



  1. Marce:
    That is ironic and even a bit scary. Can't wait to start reading this book. Look forward to what you think.

  2. OMG! That sure gave me goosebumps! I hope he didn't remember you and that he has reformed. But really, that was a huge coincidence!

  3. Whoa, that is an OMG moment for sure! That books looks fab by the way. I can't wait for your review.

  4. Wow, really weird moment, I bet.
    The book looks like a gory thriller!
    BTW, thanks for stopping by earlier with your encouraging words.

  5. So, the question is: did you hire him??? LOL

  6. I agree that is a bit scary. I bet he didn't ever remember who you were.

  7. Oops..That is really a big OMG!

  8. Wow! I can't believe that! It's amazing that reading a book trigered that memory. So freaky!

  9. Jeez Marce!! Holy crap that woulda just freaked me out!


  10. Hi Marce:
    Please stop by my place, I have an award for you.

  11. wow, crazyness! So does the guy work at your company now?

    he probably doesn't remember you, I'd think at the time he was focused on other things, rather than the jury members.

    in fact, your experience would make a great plot line for a suspense novel!

  12. Wow. Crazy. That's like my biggest fear of being a juror.


  13. Isn't it creepy. I didn't hire him but I advise managers on how to fire, won't that be ironic, I send him to jail and I fire him OMG.

    Hopefully he is reformed and will be a good employee.


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