Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Women's Fiction/Literature, Chick Lit or Adult Fiction: What is your preference?

Jennifer from Crazy for Books is having a discussion and I agreed to participate with my opinion.

From Jennifer's blog - If you've read my blog for any length of time, you probably know that I love "women's fiction". Lately, I have been struggling with what to actually call it. Is it offensive to female authors to call their books "chick lit" or "women's" fiction? Should I just call it contemporary fiction or literary fiction?  To continue reading her post, go here........

Women's Fiction, Women's Literature or Chick Lit????  (Participate in Poll on my sidebar please)

I think Women's Fiction and Women's Literature is the same but Chick Lit is completely different.  Can you imagine if non readers thought all female authors only wrote Chick Lit :-0  I wrote non readers because obviously we know different, right?

I consider Women's Fiction to be by a female author that has a main character that is female in the story and usually the story is about family - the way families deal with issues, abuse, illnesses, mainly emotional storylines.

I consider Chick Lit to be funny, light, nothing serious, just a straight forward what happens in women's lives that is 'girly'.

And there are many female YA authors that write about extremly dark situations, Chick Lit, I think not.  Would I say Women's Fiction, no, Young Adult is the perfect genre name.

Maybe we should just call it Adult Fiction.  I say this because there are books I read this year that could have been written by a man or woman in my opinion.  Here are immediate one's I can think of.

The Weight of Silence - female
The Wednesday Letters - male
Still Alice - female
Letter to My Daughter - male

I would never put Jodi Picoult in the category of Chick Lit, would you?   And what would you say about Nicholas Sparks?  If he was female I would still put it in a different category again - Romance.

So in the end my opinion is that Women's Fiction and Chick Lit should be categorised seperately.  I prefer Fiction to Literature because to me that sounds more 'professional, almost doctorate level' so to speak.

My final answer is: Adult Fiction

This was my response to Jennifer's post....

Good idea Jennifer. I would not say I enjoy Chick Lit, maybe 1 - 2 a year but I would definitely say I love Women's Literature or Women's Fiction. I would never put them in the same category, they are completely different to me. I will have to think about this further.

Men's Fiction = Porn, lmao, that is hilarious. (read her post to understant comment)

I can immediately think of these 2 books which I really enjoyed and they are so different.

Still Alice or Firefly Lane (I consider Women's Fiction)


Secrets of a Shoe Addict (Chick Lit)

Join in on the conversation here and over Crazy for Books with Jennifer.
Thanks for visiting Tea Time with Marce


  1. It seems Women's Fiction is geared towards women's issues with identity and family. Chick Lit is geared more towards dating and friendship.

  2. I completely agree, Marce! I don't read a lot of either, but women's fiction seems like something that every woman, young or old, could relate to. Chick lit, on the other hand, is more of a hip, cute kind of fiction.

  3. Another potential name for Women's Fiction would be "Drama", that way it doesn't matter if it was authored by a man or a woman....

  4. I like well written books that have something of universal value and importance to say, regardless of who writes them and where the marketers put them on the shelves. I write for readers, not marketers.

  5. I don't differentiate on my blog, but maybe I should. Right now I just say fiction and leave my review to do the rest of the work.


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