Monday, August 16, 2010

Query - How can I follow more than 300 blogs?

So I am getting this message..... You are already following the maximum number of Blogs (300). Unfollow some other blogs first.

Is there a way to follow more blogs?  I didn't realise there was a maximum.

I cleaned out my google follower a few months ago and anyone who hadn't posted in over 2 months I deleted, I was surprised to have had 14 at that point, 3 hadn't posted in over 5 months.

So please advise if you can have more, I appreciate it.



  1. YES. When you want to follow a blog. You need to find the "Followers" gadget somewhere on their blog. You can follow from there and only there. That's why when a blog does not have a followers gadget, I don't follow them. It won't work from the FOLLOW button on the top of their blog.


  2. Also, you may be able to add more than 300 blogs to google reader but I'm not sure.


  3. There is a maximum? Wow! I had no idea.

  4. I know that I use the Google Friend Connect when I follow and am currently following 388.

  5. I wonder if this is new. I have seen a lot of people who are following what looks like more than 300.

  6. Wow! I've never seen this either...

  7. I got this message once and was in a panic! I went through my list and "unfollowed" a bunch of blogs - but I have since refollowed and added way more than 300 blogs - I think maybe it's just a glitch sometimes. I have also added a bunch via the google reader. Good luck -

  8. I think I follow more than 300. Never know about this =(

  9. I had no idea there was a limit on how many blogs you can follow, in fact I would've assumed I'm following more than 300 blogs already but I'll have to take a closer look.

  10. Never knew...thanks for the info..guess I have a project for today...I, like you, update by when a blogger last posted.

  11. wow, i hope you figure it out. That's not good. I dont like picking and chooseing.

  12. I didn't know there was a maximum. That's not cool ;)

  13. Yeah Im currently cleaning out blogs that dont update anymore and now I have a new blog to follow! thanks! My blog - Hello World


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